Jeudi 19 septembre 2024


Que se passe-t-il

Le nouveau PDG de l’Administration aéroportuaire de Calgary a officiellement atterri à YYC

Le nouveau PDG de l’Administration aéroportuaire de Calgary a officiellement atterri à YYC

Hello Team YYC

Today marks my first official day as President & CEO of The Calgary Airport Authority. It is a privilege to join this exceptional organization and contribute to the legacy of our world-class airport.

My role here is to facilitate discussions and leverage the knowledge and experience that the airport community possesses. As an airport community, we will bring the passenger experience to new heights, innovating to create even more seamless and memorable experiences.

Together, we will navigate challenges and seize opportunities, fostering an environment where ideas flourish and success is shared.

I am thrilled to continue with you on this journey towards excellence, and I look forward to achieving great things together.

- Chris Dinsdale, President & CEO of The Calgary Airport Authority. 

Article précédent L’Administration aéroportuaire de Calgary fait ses adieux à Bob Sartor, son dirigeant depuis six ans
Article suivant Améliorer l’expérience de stationnement, un terrain à la fois